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  • Type :  Wet use 
  • Application :  Natural and Engineered Stone , Quartzite
  • Machine : Hand grinder, Hand saw


  • Sponge like material with embedded diamonds
  • Average  :  1500 Rpm
  • Maximum : 5000 Rpm
  • Fast polishing speed

Sponge Pad

  • Item number Products
    S410S4150 4"x 10mm, #150
    S410S4300 4"x 10mm, #300
    S410S4500 4"x 10mm, #500
    S410S41000 4"x 10mm, #1000
    S410S42000 4"x 10mm, #2000
    S410S43000 4"x 10mm, #3000
    S410S46000 4"x 10mm, #6000
    S410S410000 4"x 10mm, #10000




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