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  • GK330W, is to ensure a dust-free floor, a powerful, highly efficient 2 stage vacuum system that collects all sizes of dust particles and prevents clogging by depositing large grit particles into the first canister and the small to medium grit particles in the main canister.
  • Stainless drums (anti-rust)
  • Best for Wet or Dry use

GK330W Dust extractor

  • Item number  
    Products GK-330W Dust extractor
    Length x Width  2.13 x 3.93 ft
    Hight 4.26 ft
    Weight 176 lbs
    Voltage 120v 50/60hz
    Max watts 274 x 3 (max 822)   3.7HP
    Max air flow(CFM) 282
    Max Amps 6.8 x 3(motor)  (max 20.4)
    Motor speed 20,740rpm
    Filter system (double) Tefron coating bag filter+ HEPA filter 


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